Supervised Visitations / Supervised Drop-Offs and Pick-Ups for minors.

Visitations can be held offsite as well as onsite. We need all the information about both parties and the attorneys who represent them, but we don't let either party, their attorney, or any other third-party influence be part of what we offer in our supervised visitations. We manufacture two reports for visitations per year, which will be submitted to attorneys as well as the parties they represent. Furthermore, we do not allow attorneys to prepare any of our reports or declarations, nor do we allow outside input to be a part of this report. The reports are solely on what the supervisor has seen and dealt with in the supervised visitations. (Reports will require a fee)
Spokane Family Guidance Services also provides aid for families to mediate a positive mutual decision for their well-being. We mediate, divorces, parenting plans, business and personal conflicts. Mediator's will not appear or testify in your court case. Advocate: As an advocate, we offer to be a third party neutral spokesperson upon your behalf. We can help you prepare, work through, and understand any personal and non-personal issues. Life Coach: We can help you with all of your personal and non-personal conflicts.

Let Spokane Family Guidance Services take the worry out of managing the daily routine of your minor child, disabled or elderly family member. We are experienced advocates with over a decade of experience, fulfilling our role with sensitivity, care, and an attention to detail. We work with the family to set goals and projections in place that would provide for the care of your minor child, disabled or elderly family member for the many years we are blessed with them.
Spokane Family Guidance Services is licensed to provide assistance, management, and services for liquidating an Estate. Our goal is to represent the Last Will and Testament to the fullest extent as regards to the Estate, and execute our duties with a sensitivity to all those involved.